One Is Closest To God In A Garden Than Anywhere Else On Earth

I did not come up with that expression on my own but borrowed it from a garden plaque that my father gave to me years ago.  I was reminded of the saying especially this week.


These azaleas were especially spectacular.


I love this little hosta garden.


This garden had some beautiful yellow bearded irises and blue spiderwort.


What a picturesque spot to sit and sip morning coffee!


This garden arbor was canopied with a yellow rose that was about to bloom.


This garden had a wonderful water fountain along a brick wall.


Here is an old birdbath turned into a lovely planter.


I loved how these evergreen shrubs were trimmed into perfect conical shapes. The whole garden was designed with evergreens both large and small.


This garden was well-designed with native plants for our area. The palm trees blended especially well among lilies and hostas of varying shades of green.

I got the pleasure of touring some beautiful gardens during our town’s spring festival. It is amazing the varieties of plants that God has made.  Some grow well in the shade while others only do well in the sunshine. Flowering plants come in nearly every color of the rainbow. I saw yellow and purple irises, azaleas in varied shades of white and pink, and spectacular magenta tinted rhododendron blossoms. We missed the tulips which had already bloomed and faded. Yet other flowers were in bud and were just about to bloom.

One can not visit a garden without being reminded of how wonderful is the One who can create such beauty.


Filed under Gardening

2 responses to “One Is Closest To God In A Garden Than Anywhere Else On Earth

  1. Awesome yard!!! I also feel close to God when I am working in the flower beds and garden I find it very easy to talk to Him as I am pulling weeds and working in the soil. I have had a bit of difficulty lately, but I know the Lord is always with me and I know I will get back on track. We are a, as you say, a work in progress.


    • Thank you for your encouraging comments and for following my blog. I hope to connect with others who have a passion in gardening. God speaks to my soul the most through gardening…my body aches a bit more than it used to so I am trying to take on easier projects. It is interesting though that a garden is something that is never quite finished…there is always something that can be added or changed…it is a lifelong pursuit and I never get bored or tired of it. I look forward to seeing jposts about your garden as well.

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